FAI Board
Nominations to fill the vacant FAI Board positions which have arisen following the resignations of Honorary Secretary Michael Cody and Honorary Treasurer Eddie Murray closed this Tuesday evening, We await with interest, details of the nominees. In the event that more than one nomination is received for either position, a ballot of the FAI Council will decide the successful candidate.
FAI Governance
A new Governance Review Group has been established to review the rules and structures of the FAI ahead of the July 2019 AGM. The new Group comprises Chair Aidan Horan, a director at the Institute of Public Administration (IPA), Sport Ireland nominees, Dr Moling Ryan, a management consultant and qualified Barrister and Joe O’Leary, A partner in BMOL Chartered Accountants, while the FAI will be represented by newest board member Niamh O’Donoghue and interim Chief Executive Rea Walshe.
Acting Chief Executive Rea Walshe has issued the following statement:- “In partnership with Sport Ireland the FAI has established a Governance Review Group tasked with reviewing the existing governance arrangements within the FAI including advising on Board member/director nomination, election/appointment, term limits and succession planning including through the development of a skills, knowledge, experience and diversity matrix for the Board.
However, until such time as those recommendations are received and subsequently voted upon by the members at AGM/EGM the current rules apply and subject to the above it is proposed that a Special Council Meeting will be held immediately after the AGM on the 27th July to elect persons to those positions.”